On Christmas Eve, we went to the Geisler family Christmas at Grandma Nina's house. It was nice to catch up with everyone there on my dad's side of the family. Once we finished up at Grandma Nina's, we headed home to finish preparing for Santa.
Earlier in the day we made gingerbread cookies and decorated them for Santa.
We spread reindeer food on the front lawn so that the reindeer could find their way and have a little snack while Santa delivered the presents.
It was snowing on Christmas Eve and the kids (and Stephen and I too) were pretty pumped about having a White Christmas! While we were spreading the reindeer food on the lawn, we discovered a package on the front porch. Buddy the Elf left the kids a new book A Charlie Brown Christmas. Buddy the Elf has found our house every year since Addison was just a baby. It is always a lot of fun to see what Buddy has left for us!
After the kids were in bed and we knew that Santa had come and gone, Stephen took a picture of everything that Santa left for the kids.
Lincoln was the first one to wake up on Christmas morning and he tiptoed into our room and said "I think Santa was here, there are new toys out there!" We decided that we would wait on Addison to wake up before we ventured out to the living room to check out the goods! Once she came downstairs she ran into our room and made us get up to come see what Santa had left behind. Here are a few of our favorites from Christmas morning:
Later that night, we went to my mom and dad's to celebrate with mom, dad and Justin. The kids were really excited that Uncle Justin was in town. Addison and Lincoln wouldn't leave him alone! As always, mamaw and papaw went a little bit crazy and the kids got lots of really great presents! Stephen and I didn't do so bad either......
Here are a few favorites from Mamaw and Papaw's house:
Here is my favorite picture from the whole weekend...
There will be more Christmas festivities to share in the coming week. We will head over to Stephen's mom and dad's house on Tuesday to celebrate Christmas with them. I'm sure the kids won't get spoiled over there either :^)